answer "What Do You Want To Print?" with "Cancel" or "Scroll Bar" or "Card"
if it is "Card" then
doMenu "Print Card"
end if
if it is "Scroll Bar" then
put card field id 130 into PrintThis
visual barn door open to card
go to card "Print Card"
put PrintThis into card field id 1
end if
if it is "Cancel" then
put "Cancel" into it
end if
end mouseUp
-- part contents for card part 129
----- text -----
Connecting to a Macintosh
-- part contents for card part 130
----- text -----
You'll need a SCSI cable to connect the AppleCD SC directly to a Macintosh. If you're connecting several SCSI devices to the Macintosh you'll need a SCSI Peripheral Interface Cable and SCSI Cable Terminator.